Monday, June 23, 2008

Thanks a lot!

Dear students,

I would like to thank you for many things. Thanks a lot for the tender gifts you gave me today. I will always keep them with me and they will make me think of the marvellous students I had in 1ºA in San José. Thanks a lot for your attention in class, for your desire to learn new things, for your smiles and laughs.

Thank you for making me want to be a better teacher.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

You are the Reason

I would like to finish the school year posting a song and a video. I have chosen "The Reason" by Hoobastank because parts of the lyrics show my feelings for you. You are the reason why I made this blog and most important of all, you are one of the reasons why I like teaching and I enjoy my job.

My intention was for you to realize how many things you can have access to through languages. I hope you have learned English, I hope you use it in the future, and I really hope you remember this class. You meant much to me. I will remember you. And I will miss you.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Answers to the riddles

These are the answers to the riddles on animals. Listen carefully. How many did you guess? Congratulations!

Read this document on Scribd: Animals

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Cayetano's Animal

Cayetano has described an animal. Listen to his description and guess the name of his animal. Do you think it is easy?

Sara's Animal

This is Sara's Animal. Do you know what animal it is? Send a comment with your answer.

Vicente's Animal

Here you can listen to Vicente's description of an animal. Listen and guess his animal.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Carmen's Animal

Carmen has described an animal for you to guess what it is. Listen to her and write a comment with the answer.

Ana's Animal

Listen to Ana describing her animal. Can you guess what animal it is? Send a comment with your answer.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Celia's Animal

Here you are Celia's description. Listen to it and don't forget to send a comment with your answers!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Lorena's Animal

Here you can listen to Lorena's description of an animal. Listen carefully and send comments saying what animal it is.

Paula María's Animal

Paula María has described an animal for you to guess what it is. Listen to what she says and send comments with your guess. Good luck!